About ☛ Fabian Morón Zirfas

square black and white portrait with rounded corners an the upper left and lower right of the person called Fabian Morón Zirfas looking to the side

My name is Fabian Morón Zirfas and I'm a 46 year old father, administrator of the professorship in “Fundamentals of Visual Communication” with the focus on digital communication at the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), formerly senior creative technologist at Technologiestiftung Berlin, formerly @IXDS, formerly FH Potsdam (Interface Design Department) formerly freelancer. Still lecturer, coder, tinkerer, designer, server administrator1, media computer science2 and Kung Fu student living in Berlin who occasionally does stuff that involves things. I worked on projects like giessdenkiez.de, stadtpuls.com or parla.berlin for the Technologiestiftung Berlin. You can see the projects of my lectures at the University of Arts Braunschweig, results from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim or “Gestalten in Code” from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Some more student projects can be found on the qawsed.site (You earn one internet coin if you know what that means). Snoop around in the ExtendScript Wiki while bundling your ExtendScript. There was also a lot going on with Basil.js. We are (stuck) in the middle of creating version 2.0 with more goodness and less bugs. Maybe you are more into motion graphics? Then these tools on aescripts.com might be something for you. If you want to know even more checkout the teaching, work, education and project pages or visit one of the social networks and ping me there.

Oh. If you like you can take a look at my blog. Awesome.

Fabian Morón Zirfas
lat 52
lon 13
gpg key

1. Wooohooo \o/. We managed to move all the content to the IT department of the FHP. No more logwatching for me…
2. I stopped studying at the Beuth University. I don't feel it anymore. It takes to much time of my life for something that does not feel right. Maybe I do someday some Design Master. We will see…